黄洁冰今日出国仍坚决辞职 |
及震撼报道将会出街,雪 州行政议员黄洁冰(左图) 指出,她已告诉公正党领 导,坚决辞去雪兰莪州行 政议员以及武吉兰彰州 议员的职位。 员以及武吉兰彰州议员的职位。我感 谢党领导层的关怀及鼓励。我希望他们能够谅解我所 处于的困境。” 与党在一起,坚持该党为公平社会奋斗的理想主义。 洁冰的命运,将会在他于下周2月25日觐见雪州苏丹 后有所揭晓,但是随着黄洁冰坚决呈辞,预料武吉兰 彰州议席将会继武吉甘当国会议席,以及武吉士南 卯州议席之后举行补选。 法在5年之内竞选州议席。 选举委员会已经择定这两场武吉补选,将会在4月7日 举行投票,并不排除武吉兰彰州议席也同步举行补选 。 在国会走廊举行的新闻发布会上重申,他不想急着做 决定,将给予黄洁冰时间重新考虑,等待其回国后再 会面讨论。 勇敢。黄洁冰在会见他和其妻子兼公正党主席旺阿 兹莎时,就表明不希望党的改革议程,受到这起风 波的影响。 基尔也听闻更多短片将传出 另一方面根据《星洲互动》报道,雪州反对党领袖莫哈 末基尔也证实 他收到马来报的消息,指有更多关于黄洁冰被偷拍的照片及短片,会持续传出来。 基尔澄清,他非常同情黄洁冰的遭遇,但是却担心黄 洁冰会受到更多的羞辱,才会在日前促请她辞职。 。而当失业率不断升高,贪污仍然猖獗之际,她希望 所有的讨论应该回归这些重要的课题,多于讨论其私 生活。 应该受到社会的公审。” 空间来平复心情。 羞辱我及我的家人,让我们可以恢复一个平凡公民 所应该享有的正常生活。” 的她指出,目 前是她生命中 最黑暗的一刻 。 此的孤单、脆 弱和羞辱。。我 需要好好地休息,从这一切的风暴中走出来。” 同志们的全力支持。 我风雨同行的朋友们,我非常感动及感激。你们对 我的恩情,让我无以回报。” 以下是黄洁冰英文文告全文 Dear friends, posts, the media and websites continue to intrude into my private life and privacy. I have been informed by several media that they will continue to publish even more lewd graphical, sensational stories of my private life. I have also been told there will be a fresh assault, with more photographs and videos released and circulated in order to completely degrade and bury me. felt so alone, vulnerable and humiliated. I need to rest and to search for peace of mind to get away from the stormy events surrounding me. quarters, especially my voters, women in particular and party comrades. Words cannot express my gratitude for your gentle kindness. determined to relinquish all my positions, as a Selangor State Exco Member as well as the State Assemblywoman for Bukit Lanjan. I am thankful for the party leadership's concern and encouragement. I seek their understanding for my predicament. Rakyat remains unwavering. I shall retain my party membership and continue to struggle for a just society with the party. recession. Unemployment is rising, while corruption remains rampant. I wish public discussions would concentrate on these important issues rather than analysing my private life. My principle remains the same – private life. My private life is not for public scrutiny as I have not broken any law or caused harm to anyone. allow me some peace of mind, and to give me space. I urge the media to leave my family, friends and I alone. Please do not continue to shame my family and I, so that we have a chance to lead a normal life as ordinary citizens. that has been pouring in ceaselessly. I am very moved and eternally grateful to my friends and colleagues who stand by me. There is nothing in this world that can repay your kindness. |
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